





博士研究員/Postdoctoral Fellow


核融合炉用高熱負荷機器は、高エネルギ-粒子や高熱負荷、電磁力に繰り返し晒されるため、高い除熱能力と電磁力への耐久性が要求される。 そのため、プラズマに晒される表面にはタングステンを使用し、水冷除熱構造に冶金的に接合されたプラズマ対向ユニットとそれを支持する構造体から構成される。本募集テーマでは、核融合炉用高熱負荷機器の高性能化の観点から、表面材料改質や冷却構造の除熱性能、耐久性の向上、支持構造体の製作性や検査性の向上、異材間接合・溶接の品質向上に関する研究開発を行う。 High heat flux components for fusion reactors are repeatedly exposed to high energy particles, high heat loads, and electromagnetic forces, requiring high heat removal capability and durability against electromagnetic forces. Therefore, the surfaces exposed to plasma are made of tungsten, metallurgically bonded to a water-cooled heat removal structure, which consists of a plasma-facing unit and its supporting structure. In this solicited theme, from the viewpoint of improving the performance of high heat load components for fusion reactors, research and development will be conducted on surface material modification, heat removal performance and durability of the cooling structure, fabrication and inspection of the support structure, and quality improvement of joining and welding between different materials.


(1)当機構の設定する研究テーマについて、その研究を主体的に遂行する意志のある方。 (2)採用日時点において、博士号学位取得後8年以内の方。但し、外国国籍の研究者については、新規採用時において、日本の医師、診療放射線技師又は医学物理士に準じると機構が認める外国の免許、資格取得後8年以内の方であって、博士号学位取得者と同等の能力を有すると認められる方も対象とします。博士号学位取得後に労基法に定める産前産後休業、育児・介護休業法に定める育児休業又は介護休業を取得した場合は、その期間を除いて、新規採用時において、学位等取得後8年以内の者も対象とする。 (3)当機構の博士研究員に在職履歴のある方は応募できません。 (4)令和6年4月1日に着任可能な方。 (1)A person who is willing to take the initiative in executing research based on the research theme set by QST. (2)A person for whom eight years have not passed, at the time of hiring, since the acquisition of their doctoral degree. However, a foreign national researcher is eligible if eight years have not passed, at the time of being newly hired, since the acquisition of their foreign license or qualification that QST finds equivalent to those licenses and qualifications of Japanese doctors, medical radiology technicians, or medical physicists, and also if QST finds that this foreign national researcher possesses abilities equivalent to those of doctoral degree holders. If a person took maternity leave before or after childbirth under the Labor Standards Act or childcare leave or caregiver leave under the Act on Childcare and Caregiver Leave, this person is eligible if eight years excluding the period of such leave have not passed, at the time of being newly hired, since the acquisition of their degree, etc. (3)Any person who has ever worked at QST as a doctoral research fellow is not eligible to apply. (4)Those who can take office on April 1, 2024.




年俸制、経験・業績等により以下の区分で報酬を決定 月額37万円、40万円、45万円(社会保険料及び税込み) Based on our annual salary system, the salary is determined according to the following categories on the basis of experience, achievements, etc. A monthly amount of 370000, 400000, or 450000 yen (inclusive of social insurance premiums and taxes)


(1)業績審査(パワーポイント等を使用した口頭発表及び質疑応答) (2)面接審査 (1)Achievement screening (an oral presentation with PowerPoint slides, etc. and a question and answer session) (2)Interview


