Recruit Detail
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Company Name
Honda Research Institute Japan Co., Ltd.
Research position (quantum technology/algorithm research) * Fixed-term employment, subject to renewal
Work Detail
<About Honda Research Institute (HRI)> As a wholly owned group company of Honda R&D Co., Ltd., it was established in Japan, the United States, and Europe in 2003 with the aim of becoming an organization that takes on challenges in new areas beyond automotive technology. Our activity philosophy is "Innovation through Science". Aiming to realize a hybrid society where people, the global environment, and intelligent systems coexist in harmony, we focus on communication and sensing, such as Cooperative Intelligence and Cooperative Devices, using multifaceted approaches from artificial intelligence, robotics, systems science, brain science, materials science, psychology, and social ethics. We are engaged in various research. <Example of HRI research and development content> ・Research to realize multimodal communication between humans and machines through interactions that take into account the human mentality ・Development of a speech recognition system that promotes mutual understanding between hearing-impaired and normal hearing people ・Development of a system for estimating human internal states (level of understanding, etc.) using cameras, wearable sensors, etc. ■Recruitment type We are creating quantum technology research as a new research field and are recruiting "quantum communication/quantum computation algorithm researchers" to lead its launch. [Business details] ・Collaborate with external consortiums, etc. to understand the current situation, such as applicable fields and progress of quantum research. ・Build a quantum research strategy in collaboration with departments within the Honda Group and sister companies ・Promote quantum algorithm research in specific fields in collaboration with external research institutes [Characteristics of the job] This is a cutting-edge science job where you actively investigate and make recommendations, including publishing your own papers, regarding new research in the quantum field. <Techniques handled in this job> Quantum communication/quantum computation algorithms <Mission/Mission> We will identify cutting-edge trends in the field of quantum technology, determine the value and field of quantum technology research that should be undertaken, and proactively promote quantum algorithm research. We will actively disseminate our research results to the outside world through international conferences, papers, etc., and improve our company's presence. <Project scale> Collaborate with several researchers from external consortiums and group companies. What's appealing about our company is that we can collaborate with overseas sister companies (Germany and America) and work globally. <Team composition> Proceed as a research project under the direction of the Research Division Manager (Department: Research Division). Research projects are proposed by researchers themselves, including their content and budget, and are launched upon board approval. <Work environment, etc.> ・A workplace with a rich international flavor, where approximately half of all employees are foreign nationals. Within the company, communication takes place in both Japanese and English on a daily basis. ・The work location is located in Honda Motor Co., Ltd.'s Wako Building, which has won numerous awards as a suburban office. ・Researchers have a lot of discretion, and we actively encourage them to publish their research results externally. We have a culture of respecting the direction in which the company should move, while also valuing the wishes of researchers.
Ideal Profile
<Skills required> [MUST] ・Theoretical or experimental research experience related to quantum algorithms ・Achievements in presentations at international conferences or publications in journals related to quantum computing ・More than 3 years of software development experience (Python, C/C++, etc.) ・Business level English proficiency (conversation and writing) ・People who sympathize with our company's vision and mission ・Must have joint research or business experience with overseas research institutions
Work Location
Wako City, Saitama Prefecture
Phd. Stating Salary
6.5 million yen - 12 million yen
Selection Flow
After document screening, you will be offered a job after up to three interviews. In addition, there is an SPI test and reference check before making a job offer.