Recruit Detail
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Company Name
Nippon Insulator Co., Ltd.
Development of new technologies related to carbon neutrality
Work Detail
Job overview You will be involved in research, research and development, and patent applications for new technologies that will contribute to carbon neutrality, including CO2 separation and recovery and conversion technology to synthetic fuels. Scope of change: All duties will be reassigned Business details ・Development of elemental technologies related to carbon neutrality (principle verification, technology identification) ・Development of materials and processes for commercialization ・Obtaining rights through patents on developed technology ・Search for new technology
Ideal Profile
The person you are looking for We are looking for someone who has basic knowledge of chemical engineering, reaction engineering, catalytic chemistry, etc., or someone who has been involved in related development, and who can work tenaciously and independently. ★Requirements_Degree ●Master's degree/Doctorate ●Undergraduate degree ★Requirements_Major ●Materials ●Chemistry ●Others (chemical engineering, reaction engineering, catalyst chemistry) ★Requirements_ Work experience 【industry】 Chemistry, materials, catalyst systems, and In addition to the above industries, chemical engineering, reaction engineering, Experienced in development in the field of catalytic chemistry [Job type] Technology development positions related to chemical engineering, reaction engineering, catalytic chemistry, or carbon neutrality 【knowledge】 Knowledge of chemical engineering, reaction engineering, and catalytic chemistry [Experience/ability] ・Development experience in chemical engineering and reaction engineering fields ・Experience in developing chemical reactions using catalysts and the catalyst itself ・Experience in developing carbon neutral technology ★Requirements_ Language ability A level at which you can read academic papers in English without effort. ●Welcome_Work experience [Experience/ability] Ability to think and act independently to take on the new challenge of developing technology that contributes to carbon neutrality, and to move a theme from scratch. [Years of experience] 5 years or more
Work Location
Initial work location: Head office (Nagoya City) No transfer for the time being
Phd. Stating Salary
<Initial salary results for new employees in 2023> Graduate school (master's degree) 265,300 yen University graduate 245,300 yen High school graduate 183,900 yen *Actual salary will be determined based on company regulations, taking into account experience, ability, etc.