
Recruit Detail

Company Name

EAGLYS Co., Ltd.


Business Development: Project Manager

Work Detail

■About EAGLYS We were established in December 2016 with the mission of "securely utilizing all data and turning it into value." We are developing a business that ``securely collects data'' and ``turns data into value.'' The secure computing platform that we provide, which can collect, analyze, and process AI data while encrypting it, contributes to the realization of secure data utilization within group companies and between companies. Since its establishment, we have won awards as shown here and have a track record of collaboration with enterprise companies including JR East, Toshiba, Mitsui & Co., and SAP Japan. ・Won the Excellence Award at the “Tokyo Venture Company Championship” sponsored by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. ・Forbes JAPAN Rising Star Award ・ICT SPRING EUROPE 2019 Winner ・Small and Medium Enterprise Agency Commissioner Award at Japan Venture Awards 2020 ・EY Innovative Startup 2020 ・Winner of GET IN THE RING World Competition Financial/Regulated Industry Category ■Job details (immediately after employment) ・Project-based AI development, implementation, maintenance, and evaluation verification ・Lead the technical aspects of the project, including proposals to clients and model development ・Project management and direction for in-house services ・Design of datasets in line with AI prerequisites/processing requirements/environmental conditions, etc. ・Design and implementation verification of AI algorithms based on original papers ・Research on related technologies ・Selecting each technology related to the above ・Research and development of new technology and product application ・Management of team members (Scope of change) All operations within the company

Ideal Profile

Required skills ・Master's degree or above in the ML field - Deep understanding of neural networks and research experience in image analysis ・Both Japanese and English are at business level or higher ・People who can understand the latest analytical models published in tensorflow and torch papers ・Team management experience welcome skills ・PhD in ML field ・Experience in analyzing 3D objects using Unity, CAD, Blender, etc. ・Code experience in C# The person you are looking for -Eager to learn new technologies and able to expand their capabilities as the industry advances. ・Those who can act quickly and flexibly even in situations where there is no correct answer, and who can move things forward through repeated trial and error.

Work Location

(Immediately after employment) Head office (Yamato Building, 5-27-3 Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo) and worker's home (Scope of change) Locations determined by the company (including locations for telework)

Phd. Stating Salary

Salary is negotiable depending on ability and experience

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2025年卒 2026年卒