
Recruit Detail

Company Name

Regional Fish Co., Ltd.


Chief aquaculturist/cultivator

Work Detail

Production and breeding management of aquatic products Characteristic evaluation of the created new variety Efficiency and automation of breeding and aquaculture by introducing new technologies such as AI/IoT

Ideal Profile

Application qualifications (required) Those who have 5 or more years of experience in work/research related to aquaculture. (For those from overseas) Those who have Japanese language ability at a business level or higher Application qualifications (welcome, one or more must apply) Those who have obtained or are expected to obtain a doctoral degree, or equivalent to a master's degree or above Those who have experience in designing and operating terrestrial aquaculture tanks Those who have experience in broodstock cultivation, seedling production, and aquaculture operations for multiple aquatic organisms. Those with experience in feed design People who want to spread the breeding of marine products using technologies such as genome editing technology, want to create something that has never existed before, and want to change the world. Those who can work with a sense of professionalism and contribute to teamwork. People who can think of ``how it can be done'' instead of ``why it can't be done'' A person who can move forward with work quickly and with a sense of speed.

Work Location

Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture *Possibility of transfer across the country

Phd. Stating Salary

Chief aquaculture worker: Monthly salary from 360,000 yen (varies depending on experience and career) + bonus from 1 million yen Aquaculture worker: Monthly salary from 250,000 yen (varies depending on experience and career) + bonus from 700,000 yen

Selection Flow

pre-entry Main entry (sending resume/career history) Casual interview (optional) Document screening Interview (multiple times) Unofficial offer *For those who wish, a casual interview can be held before selection.

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2025年卒 2026年卒